Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In response to Albert Einstein: A Letter to Jacques Hadamard:

What the heck is Einstein talking about? He's too darn smart. I had to read this a couple of times! Golly! ...kidding! Well, not about rereading it. The first thing that really stuck out to me was how Einstein stated that the connection between psychical entities and relevant logical concepts are, to him, a desire to reach relevant logical concepts is emotional. I believe it really strikes me because even a historical figure like Einstein functioned on a somewhat common level with most other people. Take for example, someone who paints pictures not as a profession or academic pursuit. That person attempts to make sense of his or her ideas (or reach a relevant, logical concept) with thoughtful strokes of a brush. A writer does the same thing except the medium is different. Einstein seems to take the same approach with his ideas.

In response to Christian Zervos: Conversation with Picasso:
"Art is not the application of a canon of beauty, but what instinct and intellect can conceive independently of the canon."
That one sums it all up for me. I think beauty is worried about too much. By that I mean, what beauty is, and if something fits into the definition of what is beautiful and what is not. I appreciate the subjective view that Picasso takes and implores others to take. Art is expression and people do it because that have to and they have to because it is something natural to them. It is natural like breathing is natural. Respect.

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